It was a long journey from to NIE. On reaching Blk 2, happened to see Ai Rong across the block and realised that she had no idea where ECL 3 is. She looked lost and was relieved to see a familiar face. We went about to search for the venue and finally found the location.
On entering the venue, we realised that MEd 858 is not the usual type of module that we have taken earlier but is ICT-related in some sense. The course co0rdinator, Dr Quek introduced the course and led on on the hands-on portion on accessing the 'Lesson Box' and the creation of a blog. As I had some prior experience in creating a blog due to a practice of writing weekly reflection journal on my teaching portfolio, I went on to explore other functions in the blog.
Later on, as my course mates created their blogs, I linked their blog addresses so as to enable the reading of their blog in the near future.
The reading materials distributed looked intimidating.

18 Nov
I attended a whole day of staff seminar today. I will post my reflections of the readings tomorrow, 19 Nov. I need time to amend the work review forms , LNA and PPCR forms.
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