Thursday, December 4, 2008

Session 5 - 4 Dec (Finale)

How time flies....

We have reached the last day of the module MEd858 Classroom Learning Environment. As we traced back the learning journey... we realized that we have learned not only the content and classroom learning perception assessment instruments, but also experienced what a truly engaging classroom environment should be.

I find that I am a 'header and point' person who likes to write things in headers and point form. Perhaps, that is why I had faced hiccups as I started writing the blog and had problems expressing my thoughts well and earlier relied on content to 'cover' my weak area. Having a no-so-good command of the English Language had sort of handicapped my thought expressions and previously led to misunderstandings with people unknowingly.

I was deeply impressed with the blog entries that my fellow course mates have written. I really aspired to have that amount of flair for the language. Kudos to all of my course mates to have made the journey in MEd 858. For some who have minimal or no experience with Blogger, Blogskin, Wetpaint, Google Docs, I salute you for making the first step of learning. The rest of the blog would be describing the other details that I can remember of the course (people and content) and take-aways. READ ON.

Instructor - Dr Quek

Dr Quek has 'walked her talk' and has shown to us what a servant leader should be. What I meant by servant leader is one who is able to lead by example and serve others in ways that were truly unexpected. In 'small' things such as making sure that the 'learners - us' are well-fed, she ensured that there would be finger-food around and water bottles to quench our thirst. As I read the blogs written by my course mates, I would agree that most of us felt overwhelmed by her hospitality and kindness shown.

Group Members - The '2' Chongs - Chong Min and Wee Chong

Chong Min - An assuming and quiet co-worker who does his background work diligently. It's a humbling experience to work along someone who is experienced is willing to offer insights to why and what we are doing certain things. He has done things at amazing speed and I was amazed at how he could finish working the write-ups in a very short time frame. His focus is superb.

Wee Chong - A questioner who asks pertinent questions at the right time. Willingness to work the extra mile to get work done. Saw his email sent @ 5 am reminded me of my HOD who emailed at 4 am also. Perhaps most HODs wake up earlier than others to finish their extra pile of administrative work.

Take-away Lessons

Engaging Classroom Learning Environment

Having hands-on learning experience in a learner-centred environment has seriously awaken me to the concept of using ready Web 2.0 websites to engage the students. Students can work collaboratively and individual. Working in teams can engage not only their affective domains but also psychosocial domains as they work on a project on their computers. As the students commence on finding the information that they need, they also need to select and evaluate the information as being accurate or useful and thus trigger their cognitive domains as well.

Assessing student's perception of Learning Environments

In this module, we have been exposed to various assessment instruments such as WIHIC, QTI, CLES and the modified versions and when to modify and how to modify. The guidelines to the modification process according to the target audience, language ability and age range are useful for me to decide which ones I should use in my our classrooms. It would be good to share these precious learning points with my fellow school colleagues and help them to grow more professionally. My school has asked teachers to use a modified version of a student questionnaire entitled 'High Performing Classroom' to assess the students' perception of their learning environment. However, the follow-up actions can be further improved. I strongly believe that students should be given a 'voice' to provide constructive feedback to the teachers. After learning about the Moos's scheme of Relationship, Personal and System Maintenance and System Change, I think that certain scales can be added on for further improvement.

The further elaborations would be written in the final reflection report. I need a break now. ZzzZZ

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